Sunday, March 30, 2014

Knock-Knock, Who's There?

Male Northern Flicker  (Photo by Don Comis)

 Female Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Photo by Don Comis)
What would you do if a two-story giant musician decided to use your house as a drum set?

That's exactly what a house sparrow couple in my yard did this morning when a northern flicker woodpecker did just that to their birdhouse--flee.

Since late winter, we had gotten used to being awakened by a red-bellied woodpecker drumming on our gutters and our neighbors' gutters.  I had to explain to my neighbors that when male woodpeckers get ready for mating season they start looking for drums--things they can peck on and make a louder than usual noise so they can send a message far and wide:  "I'm strong and this is my territory--no male woodpeckers allowed, seeking only  female for mate!"

It's a little like Tarzan beating his chest.

But, still I was shocked this morning to see a northern flicker using a birdhouse as a hollow drum.  And so were the sparrows!!

By the way, the red-bellied now wakes us up with a softer drilling sound as he pecks on a dead tree trunk, either looking for insects or widening a tree cavity for a nesting site, having found a mate.

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