Monday, March 3, 2014

Grackle in Flock of 40 Blackbirds

My latest new bird arrival at my feeders was a grackle, in a flock of about 40 blackbirds, mainly starlings I think. I know more grackles are on the way.  On the American Birding Association's Ohio-Birds listserve I saw a report of four grackles just north of Cincinnati on March 2.  And John Switzer reported in his column in the Columbus Dispatch (Sunday, March 2) that he had seen at least one grackle for the first time this season at his feeder.

Usually by the time I read his column the bird species, if not individuals, at his feeders come to mine, in Howard, about 50 miles northeast of Columbus.  I hardly believed his report of an aggressive robin that chased away other birds at his feeders, but my daily robin visitor is like that, using up precious energy to chase away birds in a 10-foot-radius around, when there is plenty of food for all.

Last year I saw a grackle on January 1, but they didn't start coming regularly to my feeders until March 17.

I'm not sure I've ever had a robin come to a feeder, let alone eat from it.  He may be just picking out the fruits I have in the seed blend.  I haven't checked to see if robins will ever eat seeds, I just know they primarily eat worms and bugs.

Our Cooper's hawk is getting bolder.  On Sunday, when we were shoveling snow from the driveway we scared him and he flew over our heads and low over the driveway to the nearby woods.  I think that's the closest I've ever seen a hawk.

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