Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fearing Thunderstorms and Starlings

My two fears today were the thunderstorm and an invasion of starlings at my feeders.  But I checked my records and saw that my 9 starlings today were only 2 more than what I had earlier in the month.

They added nice whistles to the growing chorus, which seemed to include cardinal songs today, songs that will turn into seduction songs soon.  The  two cardinals at my feeders this morning, a male and female, are one of the many possible pairings that will occur soon.  The resident birds like the cardinals, starlings, house sparrows, jays, doves, and downy or hair woodpecker that visited my feeders as I ate breakfast today may already be paired up. 

But those returning from the south, like the house wrens, may be looking for mates.  I'm guessing the house wrens will return to nest in my wren house, the only successful birdhouse I had last year.

Eventually I hope to build birdhouses for all the birds that visited my feeders today, except for the house sparrows and starlings.

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