Thursday, February 27, 2014

March-Transition to Spring

I'm looking forward to seeing my first butterflies this March--mourning cloak, cabbage white, and the American Copper.  I haven't seen a mourning cloak in my brief career as a butterfly watcher, but I have seen the beautiful American Copper and look forward to seeing a growing variety of butterflies this spring.

In addition to butterflies flying, woodcocks mating, and amphibians emerging to migrate to vernal pools to mate and lay eggs, a lot of other creatures will be mating in March, including:  coyotes, skunks, raccoons, bobcats, flying squirrels, shrews, field mice, voles. 

And from earlier matings, babies will be born to eagles, Great Horned Owls, and squirrels.  Screech owls and barred owls will be laying eggs.

I plan to build birdhouses for these three common owls in time for next winter and for more kinds of birds in time for this spring, as well as plant a garden that will attract more butterflies.

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